The life of Jason Blyth is truly stranger than fiction.
Conceived when his brain damaged mum [from a motorcycle accident] was raped. She had gone to help a man get his life back in order. A man with a history of drug and alcohol abuse, also connected with gangs. Rape was the thanks she got.
After Jason was born, his mother tried to kill him on more than one occasion. Traumatised by the rape, Jason was a constant reminder of the ordeal.
Having lost all hope, questioning if life was worth living, he checked himself into a psychiatric ward on his 30th birthday.
He found himself reading a great book on the instructions for a wonderful life – the book?
Enter God’s amazing grace. Change in attitude, hope, and life style – a change only his Creator could bring about.
Jason now lives a fulfilled life, married to a wonderful wife, having left the life of the occult, drugs, drink, unhealthy sexual practices, gambling, swearing, and the list goes on.
This very short bio doesn’t do his journey or the working power of Yeshua the Messiah justice.
This story will give hope to the lost and those without hope.
Jason is willing to share his journey, share his painful past, but most of all share the saving grace and power of Yeshua.
In 30 odd years of ministry, I have never heard such a story. Plenty of people have experienced components of the journey, but never have I found an individual with so much good news to share, from such a traumatised start… especially in the western world.
We encourage you to contact us at the Emunah Center to arrange a speaking engagement, a workshop or even just a chat.
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Our vision is to help build the resilience and character needed to navigate this life.
It is our vision to inspire the next generation to make healthy choices for their lives. Choices made today will determine tomorrow’s future. Educating our youth to be responsible for the decisions and directions they take… is vital.
The Emunah Center has a vision to do just that. We want to give examples of lives lived out that testify to the hope for our youth to follow. Showing a life can be lived full of purpose regardless of past circumstances.
We provide inspirational and faith-driven guidance to help youth make wise life choices
With over 30 years of ministry experience, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise.
Our speakers share real-life stories of transformation that resonate deeply with audiences.
I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the kindness He lavished on me through the Hammonds. They were invaluable allies as I endured the most painful event of my life. Philip and Debra were readily available to me, a complete stranger from a different continent, welcoming me with open arms when others in my faith community passed me off. They listened, helped me process, offered applicable Biblical truths, and strengthened me to get “unstuck” to move forward, all with much patience and even comic relief.
Philip and Debra have been a fantastic help in so many
ways. We had decided to sell our home and move into a retirement village. This was a big decision for us and Philip and Debra were so helpful during the process. They supported us, but at the same time made sure we
understood the realities of the situation.
Since moving to the village we have called on them
many times to ask for assistance and support.
We cannot thank Philip and Debra and the Emunah
Center enough. Do not be afraid to call on their help.
Jason’s story is incredibly intense and powerful, and should be told.
I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the kindness He lavished on me through the Hammonds. They were invaluable allies as I endured the most painful event of my life. Philip and Debra were readily available to me, a complete stranger from a different continent, welcoming me with open arms when others in my faith community passed me off. They listened, helped me process, offered applicable Biblical truths, and strengthened me to get “unstuck” to move forward, all with much patience and even comic relief.
Philip and Debra have been a fantastic help in so many
ways. We had decided to sell our home and move into a retirement village. This was a big decision for us and Philip and Debra were so helpful during the process. They supported us, but at the same time made sure we
understood the realities of the situation.
Since moving to the village we have called on them
many times to ask for assistance and support.
We cannot thank Philip and Debra and the Emunah
Center enough. Do not be afraid to call on their help.
Jason’s story is incredibly intense and powerful, and should be told.
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